
In Solidity, an interface is a way to define the structure of a contract that is implemented by another contract. It specifies the functions that a contract should have, without actually implementing them.

An interface is typically used when you want to interact with a contract but you don't need to know the implementation details. You only need to know the interface and the address of the contract that implements it.

To define an interface, you use the interface keyword instead of contract. Here is an example of an interface that defines a MyContract contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface MyContract {
    function myFunction(uint arg1, uint arg2) external returns (uint);
    function myOtherFunction(string memory arg1) external;

This interface defines two functions that the MyContract contract should have: myFunction and myOtherFunction. The functions are declared with the external visibility modifier and specify the types of their arguments and return values.

Note that the interface does not include any implementation details, such as the body of the functions. It only specifies the function signatures.

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