In this contract, the owner can deposit ether to any recipient address by calling the deposit function and specifying the recipient address as a parameter. The require statement ensures that only the owner can deposit ether.
Here is an example of how the ABI can be used with Ether.js to execute the deposit function:
const { ethers } =require('ethers');constabi= [/* insert ABI here */];constcontractAddress='/* insert contract address here */';constprovider=newethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('/* insert provider URL here */');constsigner=provider.getSigner();constcontract=newethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, signer);constrecipientAddress='/* insert recipient address here */';constetherAmount=ethers.utils.parseEther('1'); // 1 etherconstdepositTx=awaitcontract.deposit(recipientAddress, { value: etherAmount });awaitdepositTx.wait();
In this example, we first create an Ether.js provider and signer to connect to an Ethereum node. We then create an instance of the contract using the contract's address and ABI. Finally, we call the deposit function on the contract instance, passing in the recipient address and ether amount as parameters. The ethers.utils.parseEther function is used to convert the ether amount to wei. We then wait for the transaction to be mined using the wait function.